Arizona Models and Innovations
These stories feature model programs and successful rural projects that can serve as a source of ideas. Some of the projects or programs may no longer be active. Read about the criteria and evidence-base for programs included.
Effective Examples
Vivir Mejor! (Live Better!) System of Diabetes Prevention and Care
Updated/reviewed August 2022
- Need: To address high rates of diabetes in rural Hispanic/Latino populations near the U.S.-Mexico border.
- Intervention: A comprehensive, culturally competent diabetes education program was implemented in Santa Cruz County, Arizona.
- Results: Since 2012, this program has helped participants better manage their diabetes and increase healthy living behaviors.
Other Project Examples
Community Healthcare Integrated Paramedicine Program (CHIPP)
Updated/reviewed January 2022
- Need: To reduce 911 use and improve older adults' health in rural Santa Cruz County, Arizona.
- Intervention: Community paramedics made scheduled visits to patients and connected them to other community resources.
- Results: CHIPP assisted over 150 people, and 911 calls decreased.
Last Updated: 8/12/2022