Rural Health
Resources by Topic: Occupational health and safety
Loud and Clear: Improving Access to Hearing Care in Rural America
Discusses barriers to rural hearing care access and the importance of hearing conservation. Features a hearing clinic in South Dakota, a telehealth program in Alaska, and a nationally available agriculture safety program working to address rural hearing care.
Author(s): Allee Mead
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 03/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Discusses barriers to rural hearing care access and the importance of hearing conservation. Features a hearing clinic in South Dakota, a telehealth program in Alaska, and a nationally available agriculture safety program working to address rural hearing care.
Author(s): Allee Mead
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 03/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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A New Path Forward: A Progress Report on the Implementation of the Equity Commission's Recommendations - Update 2024
Reports on efforts by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to advance equity in accordance with Equity Commission recommendations. Discusses the department's commitment to equitable service delivery, and describes updates to programs affecting farmers and ranchers, farmworkers, tribal communities, nutrition assistance, immigrants, rural development, healthcare access, and more.
Date: 02/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture
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Reports on efforts by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to advance equity in accordance with Equity Commission recommendations. Discusses the department's commitment to equitable service delivery, and describes updates to programs affecting farmers and ranchers, farmworkers, tribal communities, nutrition assistance, immigrants, rural development, healthcare access, and more.
Date: 02/2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: U.S. Department of Agriculture
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National Farm Medicine Center: 2023 Year in Review
Provides an overview of the 2023 activities of the National Farm Medicine Center and related partners, with a focus on research, policy, outreach and education, projects, and more. Discusses population health, well-being, and agricultural safety.
Date: 2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Farm Medicine Center
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Provides an overview of the 2023 activities of the National Farm Medicine Center and related partners, with a focus on research, policy, outreach and education, projects, and more. Discusses population health, well-being, and agricultural safety.
Date: 2024
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: National Farm Medicine Center
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The Influence of Organizational Aspects of the U.S. Agricultural Industry and Socioeconomic and Political Conditions on Farmworkers' COVID-19 Workplace Safety
Interviewed 14 rural Latinx California farmworkers between July 2020 and April 2021 on the impacts of regulatory oversight and workplace safety measures on COVID-19 risks in the workplace. Discusses legal status for farmworkers and offers policy recommendations for occupational health and safety measures.
Author(s): Fabiola M. Perez-Lua, Alec M. Chan-Golston, Nancy J. Burke, Maria-Elena De Trinidad Young
Citation: International Journal of Research and Public Health, 20(23), 7138
Date: 12/2023
Type: Document
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Interviewed 14 rural Latinx California farmworkers between July 2020 and April 2021 on the impacts of regulatory oversight and workplace safety measures on COVID-19 risks in the workplace. Discusses legal status for farmworkers and offers policy recommendations for occupational health and safety measures.
Author(s): Fabiola M. Perez-Lua, Alec M. Chan-Golston, Nancy J. Burke, Maria-Elena De Trinidad Young
Citation: International Journal of Research and Public Health, 20(23), 7138
Date: 12/2023
Type: Document
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The Women Farmer Stress Inventory: Examining Women Farmer Stress in the United States Corn Belt
Explores the causes of stress for women farmers. Discusses sociodemographic and farm-level factors that correlate with, and contribute to, stress. Breaks down data such as farm size and revenue, off-farm work and care labor, and demographic factors such as age, marital status, and education, among others.
Author(s): Carly E. Nichols, Jonathan Davis
Citation: Journal of Rural Health
Date: 11/2023
Type: Document
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Explores the causes of stress for women farmers. Discusses sociodemographic and farm-level factors that correlate with, and contribute to, stress. Breaks down data such as farm size and revenue, off-farm work and care labor, and demographic factors such as age, marital status, and education, among others.
Author(s): Carly E. Nichols, Jonathan Davis
Citation: Journal of Rural Health
Date: 11/2023
Type: Document
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MotherToBaby Gives Rural Pregnant and Breastfeeding Moms 'Fingertip Access' to Exposure Experts
Provides an overview of MotherToBaby, which works to educate pregnant and breastfeeding mothers and their healthcare providers on the risks of exposures. Discusses how MotherToBaby's free services can support rural mothers, highlighting programs serving rural areas in Georgia and North Texas.
Author(s): Gretel Kauffman
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 11/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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Provides an overview of MotherToBaby, which works to educate pregnant and breastfeeding mothers and their healthcare providers on the risks of exposures. Discusses how MotherToBaby's free services can support rural mothers, highlighting programs serving rural areas in Georgia and North Texas.
Author(s): Gretel Kauffman
Citation: Rural Monitor
Date: 11/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Rural Health Information Hub
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I-CASH Annual Report 2023
Iowa's Center for Agricultural Safety and Health's (I-CASH) annual report on statewide prevention and education programs addressing agricultural safety and health from 2022-2023. Highlights the organization's connection and engagement projects, describes recent efforts to provide agricultural solutions, and includes a list of seasonal campaigns and accomplishments.
Date: 10/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Iowa's Center for Agricultural Safety and Health
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Iowa's Center for Agricultural Safety and Health's (I-CASH) annual report on statewide prevention and education programs addressing agricultural safety and health from 2022-2023. Highlights the organization's connection and engagement projects, describes recent efforts to provide agricultural solutions, and includes a list of seasonal campaigns and accomplishments.
Date: 10/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Iowa's Center for Agricultural Safety and Health
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Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention, and Education Annual Report, 2022-2023
Annual report of the Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention, and Education's activities for 2022-2023. Includes summary of organizational structure, research, outreach, and grants funded.
Date: 10/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention, and Education
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Annual report of the Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention, and Education's activities for 2022-2023. Includes summary of organizational structure, research, outreach, and grants funded.
Date: 10/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention, and Education
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Applying a Health Equity Lens to Work-Related Motor Vehicle Safety in the United States
Summarizes the literature on risk disparities for work-related motor vehicles crashes by sociodemographic and employment characteristics. Identifies potential causes of disparities at individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and public policy levels. Includes statistics on people who live and work in rural areas and are likely to depend on a motor vehicle to commute to and from work and between work locations.
Author(s): Stephanie Pratt, Kyla Hagan-Haynes
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(20), 6909
Date: 10/2023
Type: Document
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Summarizes the literature on risk disparities for work-related motor vehicles crashes by sociodemographic and employment characteristics. Identifies potential causes of disparities at individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and public policy levels. Includes statistics on people who live and work in rural areas and are likely to depend on a motor vehicle to commute to and from work and between work locations.
Author(s): Stephanie Pratt, Kyla Hagan-Haynes
Citation: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(20), 6909
Date: 10/2023
Type: Document
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The Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health (UMASH) Center Summary Annual Report: 2022-2023
Highlights research projects and program activities in the areas of farmer mental health, agricultural health and safety, and farmer aging.
Author(s): Jeff Bender
Date: 10/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center
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Highlights research projects and program activities in the areas of farmer mental health, agricultural health and safety, and farmer aging.
Author(s): Jeff Bender
Date: 10/2023
Type: Document
Sponsoring organization: Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center
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