Chart Gallery: Mental health
American Indian/Alaska Native Age-Adjusted Suicide Rates, Ages 15-34, 2006-2020
Line chart showing the age-adjusted suicide rate for American Indian/Alaska Natives between 15 and 34 years of age compared to the total population in that age group from 2006 through 2020.
Health Professional Shortage Areas: Mental Health, by County, April 2024
Map showing county-level data on Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs), indicating counties that are entirely in a HPSA, partially in a HPSA, or not in a HPSA.
State versions available
Mortality Rates per 100,000 for American Indian/Alaska Natives and U.S. All Races, 2019
Bar chart showing age-adjusted mortality per 100,000 people for American Indian/Alaska Native, not Hispanic or Latino for 2019, compared to the U.S. as a whole, due to specific health conditions.