Community Health Workers Toolkit

Welcome to the Community Health Workers (CHW) Toolkit. This toolkit compiles promising practices and resources to support rural communities seeking to develop CHW programs. CHWs are public health or social service workers who are close to and serve members of the community by helping them to adopt healthy behaviors. They may also be known as community health representatives, lay health workers, promotoras, peer health promoters, and peer health educators. CHWs play many important roles in rural communities.
The target audiences for the toolkit are rural organizations including healthcare providers; nonprofit organizations; faith-based organizations; businesses; networks; and community-based organizations. For more information about rural community health programs, including how to develop and implement a program, visit the Rural Community Health Toolkit.
The modules in the toolkit contain resources and information focused on developing, implementing, evaluating, and sustaining rural CHW programs.
Module 1: Introduction
Overview of CHWs, their roles, and unique challenges rural communities face.
Module 2: Program Models
Promising models for CHW programs.
Module 3: Program Clearinghouse
Examples of CHW programs that have been implemented in rural communities.
Module 4: Implementation
Important issues to consider and address when implementing a rural CHW program.
Module 5: Evaluation
Tools that can help with evaluating a CHW program.
Module 6: Funding & Sustainability
Resources to help with planning for funding and sustainability of a CHW program.
Module 7: Dissemination
Ideas and resources for disseminating findings from a CHW program.