Chart Gallery: American Indian or Alaska Native
American Indian/Alaska Native Adults with No Usual Source of Healthcare, 2015-2016
Bar chart showing the percentage of American Indian/Alaska Native adults and total adult population with no usual source of healthcare.
American Indian/Alaska Native Age-Adjusted Suicide Rates, Ages 15-34, 2006-2020
Line chart showing the age-adjusted suicide rate for American Indian/Alaska Natives between 15 and 34 years of age compared to the total population in that age group from 2006 through 2020.
American Indian/Alaska Native HIV Prevalence per 100,000, Age 13 and Older, 2008-2018
Line chart showing the number of people age 13 and older with HIV per 100,000 for the American Indian/Alaska Native population and the total population from 2008 through 2018.
American Indian/Alaska Native Lifetime Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women, 2011
Bar chart showing the proportion of American Indian/Alaska Native women who experience intimate partner violence in their lifetime compared to the total population of women.
American Indian/Alaska Native Nonmetro Personal Income, 2022
Stacked bar chart showing income ranges for the nonmetropolitan American Indian/Alaska Native population compared to the nonmetro population as a whole.
State versions available
American Indian/Alaska Native Nonmetro Population by Age, 2022
Stacked bar chart showing the age composition of the nonmetropolitan American Indian/Alaska Native population compared to the nonmetro population as a whole. Age groups represented: under age 25, 25-44, 45-64, 65 and older.
State versions available
American Indian/Alaska Native Population, 2022
Map showing county-level data on the percent of the population that is American Indian/Alaska Native.
State versions available
American Indian/Alaska Native Respondent-Assessed Fair-Poor Health Status, 2019
Bar chart showing the percentage of the American Indian/Alaska Native population and total population reporting fair or poor health status.
American Indian/Alaska Native Respondent-Reported Prevalence of Heart Disease among Adults, 2018
Bar chart showing the proportion of the American Indian/Alaska Native adult population that report having heart disease compared to the total adult population.
American Indian/Alaska Natives with Diagnosed Diabetes, 2017-2020
Bar chart showing the percentage of the American Indian/Alaska Native population and the total population with diagnosed diabetes.