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Rural Health Information Hub

Congressional Research Service (CRS)

Provides nonpartisan research, analysis, and information to the members of the United States Congress.

Resources (88)

  • The 10-20-30 Provision: Defining Persistent Poverty Counties, 02/2023, view details
  • The 2018 Farm Bill (P.L. 115-334): Summary and Side-by-Side Comparison, 02/2019, view details
  • 2018 Farm Bill Primer: Rural Development Programs, 05/2019, view details
  • 5G Fund for Rural America, 05/2021, view details
  • 5G Fund for Rural America: Current Status and Issues, 11/2023, view details
  • American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-2): Private Health Insurance, Medicaid, CHIP, and Medicare Provisions, 04/2021, view details
  • American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-2): Public Health, Medical Supply Chain, Health Services, and Related Provisions, 07/2021, view details
  • Behavioral Health Among American Indian and Alaska Natives: An Overview, 09/2016, view details
  • Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-123): Brief Summary of Division E--The Advancing Chronic Care, Extenders, and Social Services (ACCESS) Act, 03/2018, view details
  • Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-123): CHIP, Public Health, Home Visiting, and Medicaid Provisions in Division E, 03/2018, view details
  • The Black Lung Program, the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, and the Excise Tax on Coal: Background and Policy Options, 02/2023, view details
  • Broadband Connectivity and COVID-19: The FCC's Response, 05/2020, view details
  • Broadband Data and Mapping: Background and Issues for the 116th Congress, 10/2019, view details
  • Broadband Deployment: Status and Federal Programs, 06/2019, view details
  • Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program: Issues and Congressional Considerations, 06/2023, view details
  • Broadband Internet Access and the Digital Divide: Federal Assistance Programs, 01/2019, view details
  • Broadband Loan and Grant Programs in the USDA's Rural Utilities Service, 03/2019, view details
  • Buprenorphine and the Opioid Crisis: A Primer for Congress, 12/2018, view details
  • Closed, Converted, Merged, and New Hospitals with Medicare Rural Designations: January 2018-November 2022, 04/2023, view details
  • The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021: Broadband Provisions - In Brief, 03/2021, view details
  • COVID-19 and the Indian Health Service, 05/2020, view details
  • COVID-19 Response: Broadband Funding for Tribes, Tribal Colleges and Universities, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Indian Education, and the Indian Health Service, 03/2021, view details
  • Delivery of VA Telehealth Services During COVID-19, 05/2020, view details
  • Demand for Broadband in Rural Areas: Implications for Universal Access, 12/2019, view details
  • Department of Veterans Affairs (VA): A Primer on Telehealth, 07/2019, view details
  • The Digital Divide: What Is It, Where Is It, and Federal Assistance Programs, 03/2021, view details
  • Farm Bill Primer: Rural Broadband Provisions, 12/2023, view details
  • Farm Bill Primer: Rural Development Title, 12/2023, view details
  • FCC's National Broadband Map: Implications for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program, 12/2022, view details
  • Federal Credit Assistance and Grant Programs for Rural Businesses: In Brief, 02/2023, view details
  • Federal Funding for Broadband Deployment: Agencies and Considerations for Congress, 12/2023, view details
  • Federal Health Centers: An Overview, 05/2017, view details
  • Federal Health Centers and COVID-19, 04/2020, view details
  • Federal Highway Traffic Safety Policies: Impacts and Opportunities, 07/2019, view details
  • Federal Student Loan Forgiveness and Loan Repayment Programs, 11/2018, view details
  • Federal Student Loan Repayment Programs for Behavioral Health Service Providers, 08/2022, view details
  • Federal Support for Financially Distressed Hospitals, 12/2022, view details
  • Federal Support for Graduate Medical Education: An Overview, 12/2018, view details
  • Federal Telehealth Flexibilities in Private Health Insurance During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency: In Brief, 02/2023, view details
  • Federal Universal Service Fund and Other Selected Federal Broadband Programs: A Primer, 01/2021, view details
  • Federally Supported Projects and Programs for Wastewater, Drinking Water, and Water Supply Infrastructure, 09/2023, view details
  • Federally Supported Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Programs, 05/2019, view details
  • Foreign Medical Graduates: A Brief Overview of the J-1 Visa Waiver Program, 08/2009, view details
  • The Future of the Universal Service Fund and Related Broadband Programs, 03/2024, view details
  • Health Care for Rural Veterans: The Example of Federally Qualified Health Centers, 04/2014, view details
  • Health Care Provisions in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, P.L. 116-127, 04/2020, view details
  • Health Care-Related Expiring Provisions of the 118th Congress, First Session, 06/2023, view details
  • Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA): Maternal Health Programs, 03/2020, view details
  • Housing Issues in the 118th Congress, 01/2024, view details
  • HUD Rural Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing (RCB) Program, 01/2023, view details
  • Indian Health Care: Impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), 01/2014, view details
  • Indian Health Service (IHS) FY2019 Budget Request and Funding History: A Fact Sheet, 05/2018, view details
  • Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: Funding for USDA Rural Broadband Programs, 11/2021, view details
  • Location of Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Addiction: In Brief, 06/2019, view details
  • Long-Term Care: Consumers, Providers, Payers, and Programs, 03/2007, view details
  • Medicare Hospital Payments: Adjusting for Variation in Geographic Area Wages, 03/2021, view details
  • Medicare Payment for Rural or Geographically Isolated Hospitals, 04/2024, view details
  • Medicare Primer, 05/2020, view details
  • The National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers: COVID-19 Assistance, 04/2020, view details
  • The National Health Service Corps, 01/2022, view details
  • The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), 03/2023, view details
  • Older Americans Act: Nutrition Services Program, 05/2020, view details
  • The Opioid Epidemic and Federal Efforts to Address It: Frequently Asked Questions, 10/2017, view details
  • Overview of the Universal Service Fund and Selected Federal Broadband Programs, 06/2021, view details
  • PREVENT Pandemics Act (P.L. 117-328, Division FF, Title II), 08/2023, view details
  • The Provider Relief Fund: Frequently Asked Questions, 04/2022, view details
  • Public Health and Other Related Provisions in P.L 115-271, the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, 12/2018, view details
  • Public Health, Workforce, Quality, and Related Provisions in ACA: Summary and Timeline, 05/2013, view details
  • The ReConnect Broadband Pilot Program, 08/2020, view details
  • The Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act of 2022 (Division FF, Title I of P.L. 117-328, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023): Section-by-Section Summary, 01/2024, view details
  • Rural Definitions Used for Eligibility Requirements in USDA Rural Development Programs, 04/2023, view details
  • Rural Digital Opportunity Fund: Requirements and Selected Policy Issues, 08/2020, view details
  • SBA's Rural Activities, 04/2024, view details
  • School Meals and Other Child Nutrition Programs: Background and Funding, 12/2023, view details
  • School Meals Programs and Other USDA Child Nutrition Programs: A Primer, 02/2019, view details
  • Selected Health Provisions in Title III of the CARES Act (P.L. 116-136), 04/2020, view details
  • The Special Registration for Telemedicine: In Brief, 12/2018, view details
  • Student Loan Programs Authorized by the Public Health Service Act: An Overview, 03/2021, view details
  • Summer Food for Children: An Overview of Federal Aid, 08/2023, view details
  • The SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act (P.L.115-271): Medicare Provisions, 01/2019, view details
  • Teen Pregnancy: Federal Prevention Programs, 09/2022, view details
  • Telehealth Services Proposed for Medicare Part B Reimbursements, 2018: Fact Sheet, 11/2017, view details
  • The Universal Service Fund and COVID-19: The FCC and Industry Response, 06/2020, view details
  • USDA Rural Housing Programs: An Overview, 03/2022, view details
  • USDA Rural Utilities Service's Support for Tribes and Other Indigenous Entities, 04/2024, view details
  • USDA's ReConnect Program: Expanding Rural Broadband, 12/2022, view details
  • VA Maintaining Internal Systems and Strengthening Integrated Outside Networks Act of 2018 (VA MISSION Act; P.L.115-182), 11/2018, view details
  • The Veterans Choice Program (VCP): Program Implementation, 04/2018, view details